The Queen of My Self

Yesterday I received so many emails from Queens across the country requesting a book. I am sorry that I had to stop with five giveaway books. Congratulations to the five lucky winners: Mari Aubuchon, KSRobin-elyse Holcombe, CAStacy Lundquist, NVDebbie Stricker, VAMichelle Wood-Capolino, AL If you wanted a book and didn’t get one, do keep your…

Look below for The Queen of My Self book giveaway offer.* For more than five years I have been traveling with The Queen of My Self through nineteen states and three countries, meeting and talking with several thousand women and crowning hundreds of Queens. Everywhere I went, I met fascinating, marvelous, women of a certain…

My synchronistic receptors have been extremely highly attuned lately. As soon as I think a thought, I am gifted with an affirmation of its veracity. No sooner than I think or write something, than some related, really relevant writing by a like-minded soul sister Queen is miraculously, electronically delivered to my computer. Deena Metzger’s powerful…

Continued: What we all have to do from now on is to stay alert, stay centered, keep connected and most important of all, keep talking. Talking, writing, protesting keeps the light of truth and tolerance shining upon the hidden agendas of governments, industries, institutions, and individuals. Silence, like the dark of night, shelters nefarious deeds.…

It is so damn easy to feel depressed, frustrated and disillusioned right now. These are terrible times of artificial division, manipulated resentment and palpable fear. The real dynamic being played out right now is not about warring religious, economic or nationalistic factions. Not even about war. The struggle is actually between those who believe that…

Continued: Here is a short list of some of the unbearable events of the last few months. One leads to another, relentlessly. Let’s locate ourselves so we can reverse the order. Iraq. Afghanistan. Thousands and thousands of civilian deaths. Agony. Depleted uranium in our weapons leaving radioactive fields. Unprecedented suffering and horror, madness, violence, suicide…

This has been a year of such violence. Against women. Against strangers. Against entire populations. Against. Against. Against. Always against. Corruption, greed, hate, fear and stupidity combined have perpetuated a barrage of traumatic damage against Mother Earth, Herself, and all of Her creations. And Mother Nature has retaliated in full violent force. Hurricanes, earthquakes volcanoes…

A great way to pamper yourself with the attention and affection that we all crave — that we lavish on others, but never think to give to ourselves — is to have a love affair with your Self. These exercises in Self-appreciation and devotion are not meant to seal yourself off from others forever, or…

The Empowered Woman The Empowered Woman, she moves through the worldwith a sense of confidence and grace.Her once reckless spirit now tempered by wisdom. Quietly, yet firmly, she speaks her truth without doubt or hesitation and the life she leads is of her own creation. She now understands what it means to live and let…

My Declaration of Self-EsteemBy Virginia Satir I AM ME In all the world, there is no one else exactly like meEverything that comes out of me is authentically meBecause I alone chose it – I own everything about meMy body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions,Whether they be to others or to…

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