What do you need to let go of? I asked this question to the many Queens who have joined the Facebook page of The Queen of My Self.* Here are some of their responses: Q. What have you have already released and what do you still need to part with — mentally, emotionally, physically and…

SAVING MOTHER EARTHby Mary Saracino A single day in April isn’t enoughto honor our Mother, save the planetthat is her body, restore her ocean womb,revitalize the atrophied arms and legsof her continents, remove the smogfrom her pristine lungs, replenish all that’sdepleted by the lust for profitover prosperity. Human hearts so greedyfor commerce they call deforestation…

 Wherever I travel there is always some sort of local environmental nightmare, be it chemical waste, medical waste, nuclear waste or garbage waste. And wherever I travel there is always a women, usually a woman of a certain age, who has organized her community and fought the good fight for environmental preservation and protection. These…

These Queenly Eco Sheros are amazing women, all. They  inspire me. I hope they inspire you, too: Wangari Maathai, Kenya (1940-) Environmentalist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai founded the Green Belt movement in Kenya In 1977, in response to the serious problems caused by deforestation: soil runoff, water pollution, difficulty finding firewood, lack…

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