Continued from yesterday, Just Don’t Call Me …By Natalie Angier If ma’am is meant as a verbal genuflection to power, the message is lost on many real-life powerful women, like Senator Barbara Boxer, who told a brigadier general to refer to her as “senator” rather than “ma’am” at a hearing last year. “I worked so…

The following article by Natalie Angier appeared in the New York Times last month. It certainly struck a chord in me. Or should I say, a sore point? Just Don’t Call Me …By Natalie Angier Classes are now underway at Pennsylvania State University, and Judith Kroll, a professor of psychology, linguistics and women’s studies, will…

What do you need to let go of? I asked this question to the many Queens who have joined the Facebook page of The Queen of My Self. Q. What have you have already released and what do you still need to part with — mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually? Here are some of their…

The conversation continues: NR: What, exactly do you mean by Queen? DH: The Queen is a woman who is still energetic with youth, yet wise with age. She is confident and beholden to no one. She thinks, speaks, acts for her Self and is secure being powerful. She has stepped into her sovereignty and wears…

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