For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, summer is sizzling at its most intense in August. This period is referred to as The Dog Days of Summer. Though named after the Dog Star, Sirius, this is the weather when, according to Noel Coward, only “mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.”

This summer has been especially bad, with extreme heat waves sweeping though much of North America. The temperature here in New York City has been in the 90s for weeks . And the humidity made it feel ten degrees warmer. We are on track for 2015 to be the hottest year yet.

Most of the West and parts of the South have been subject to massive wild fires. Our tempers are on burn mode and even the most innocuous disturbance is enough to send us over the emotional edge. In fact, all disagreements are reaching a boiling point, as is evidenced by the ever-increasing and escalating geo-religious-political-economic conflicts around the globe.

The entire planet is heating up right now. Global warming is playing havoc with weather patterns, which in turn affect all plant and animal life. The debate about the greenhouse effect, fossil fuel, renewable energy and gas prices is also revved up to high.

Time out!

Cool down!

It is so damn easy to feel depressed, frustrated, disillusioned and pissed right now. These are terrible times of artificial division, manipulated resentment and palpable fear. The real dynamic being played out right now is not about warring religious, economic or nationalistic factions. Not even about war.

The struggle is actually between those who believe that the world is defined in terms of opposition — war or peace, right or wrong, rich or poor, with us or against us — and those who are able to see things in a more holistic, congruent manner.

In these deciding times, it is imperative for those of us who see the big picture to decide, to commit, to make a concerted effort to reach out in ever-expanding circles of affinity and embrace. Now is the time to turn our attention to positive solutions and focus our thoughts and actions toward creating healthy, functioning networks in recognition and in honor of our mutual state of being and our common fate.

Because there really is still a chance for peace — and that chance will definitely increase if we each do our piece. It is ultimately up to us, each one of us, all of us, individually and together, to create the kind of world in which we want to live — starting right here, right now. With each step that we take, we must walk our talk, speak our truth and put our money where our mouth is.

Yours for inner peace and peace on the planet,


* ***
Donna Henes is the author of The Queen of My Self: Stepping into Sovereignty in Midlife. She offers counseling and upbeat, practical and ceremonial guidance for individual women and groups who want to enjoy the fruits of an enriching, influential, purposeful, passionate, and powerful maturity. Consult the MIDLIFE MIDWIFE™

The Queen welcomes questions concerning all issues of interest to women in their mature years. Send your inquiries to




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