With a bit of self-love and motivation, midlife can be a time for big positive changes. Here is a bit of advice from Best Knickers Always by Rebecca Perkins Midlife crisis? What crisis? Tips on how to breeze through middle age MIDDLE age need not be a trauma – with some positive thinking, you could…

Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation or state of being. For example, “I am healthy, I radiate well being.” “I am a good and honorable person with a loving heart.” “I am capable beyond all measure.” Etc. Affirmations can help you to transform your life by reframing your internal Self talk. By stating…

Despite the rude awakenings, the unsettling physical and emotional chaos of midlife and all of its frightful, presumed ramifications, an amazing number of women find this stage to be the most personally fulfilling and satisfying of their lives so far. A recent Gallup survey of women aged fifty to sixty-five revealed that fifty-one percent of…

By Dr. Carmen Harra http://www.carmenharra.com Daily life can drag us down and make us weary of our circumstances. The repetition of routine becomes mundane and mediocre, and we often wonder where to turn for a bit of liberating distraction. Falling victim to the “grind” means living blinded from our true purpose and power. But there…

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