Their Bad Mother

In two days, I’m traveling to Chicago for BlogHer. BlogHer is like Comic-Con, except with more women and babies and far fewer Trekkies. It vibrates at about the same geek frequency, though, which is something that too many people forget, I think. It’s a conference for women who write and socialize and make their livings…

I kinda thought that debates about the reality and severity of post-partum depression were settled well before Tom Cruise made an ass of himself prattling on about exercise and vitamins, but apparently not. Time Magazine published an article last week that questions the seriousness of post-partum depression and questions the utility and good of the…

My grandparents, on a road trip in British Columbia in the early 1940’s. I’d like to think that I retraced some of their steps the other week. But even if I didn’t, the BC portion of my trip is still dedicated to their memory. *kissestoheaven* (Wow, I really just can’t get the hang of this…

This? Is Jasper. Throwing a fit. Which probably doesn’t seem all that extraordinary, in itself. Little boys and girls throw fits and hurl their little bodies to the ground and kick and scream. But there’s the rub: little boys and girls do this. Not babies. Babies just throw their heads back and wail. Sometimes, they’ll…

We traveled a great distance last week, and the week before that. From one Canadian coast to the other, and then some. And we saw and did a great many things, and we had a great many adventures. But end of the day, the best memories of our travels won’t be the moose sightings or…

Best friends: July 7, 2007. Who’da thunk these stroller buddies would become cross-country road-trippers? A Wordless Wednesday Jam, or rather, a Wordless This Wednesday In History Wednesday Jam. Because I am forgetting too much. Join me if you feel so inspired.

Today is my grandfather’s funeral. Today I set aside the hum and buzz and happy thrill of traveling with my children and with dear friends and take a moment to say goodbye to Grandpa. Who I loved. Who I will miss. Today will be hard. I’ve spent the last half hour trying to explain to…

We’ve spent the last few days driving through Jasper and Banff National Parks. These are the roads of my childhood, the places of summer holidays and trips to visit family and long, leisurely drives looking for the perfect campsite. It is both heartwarming and heartaching to travel here with my children and with my heart…

It is wonderful to be traveling with the kids. It is also very, very difficult. It is wonderful for all the usual reasons. Their excitement at seeing new things. Their enjoyment of swimming pools and street performers and hotel bathrooms with all the tiny soaps. Their delight in spending so much time with me and…

July 1, 2006. Her first Canada Day. A Wordless Wednesday Jam, which is now Wordless This Wednesday In History Wednesday. Because I am forgetting too much. Join me if you feel so inspired.

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