For most of the last year, I’ve been working to help my nephew, Tanner. I’ve been telling his story for a few years now, but – as you probably already know if you read this blog, and/or my other blog – his condition has deteriorated dramatically over the past year, and he and his family…

Emilia, at four years old, is a daredevil and a tomboy and a sports enthusiast and a thrill-seeker and an all-around rapscallion. To say that I think that’s awesome is extreme understatement. And sure, being a rapscallion tomboy means that sometimes you whack yourself in the chin with your skateboard, but isn’t it more than…

So my mom called me the other day, to talk about this, that and the other, and in the course of our chatting she says, in passing, words to the effect of ‘… and so after I saw the vascular surgeon…’ At which point I interrupted and said words to the effect of ‘WHAT?‘ ‘The…

I’ve been struggling with depression. I’m always struggling with depression, in some respects, but it feels harder, these days. My husband asks me if I’m sad, and I tell him no, because depression is different from sadness, but there’s an element of it there. I’m struggling with depression, in part, because I’ve been struggling with…

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