So… This may mean absolutely nothing to many of you out there in the blogosphere, but Rebecca Eckler has a mommy blog. (FYI this post is not about Rebecca Eckler. There’s a segue coming. Bear with me.) (Oh, and if this post is too long and preachy for you? Just skip to the baby pictures.…

Over at the Blogfathers’ site, there’s been some discussion about the evil that lurks at Toys’R’Us. But really, hello? The Death Star of toy stores? It’s ALL evil. And we’re ALL, at one time or another, sucked into its Tractor Beam. Who among us hasn’t flirted with the Dark Side, having been exposed to a)…

We have, my friends, crossed the Rubicon. My determination to have a baby-friendly home that was nonetheless free of all that is garish and plastic has received its final blow. Behold, the Exersaucer: Yeah, okay, she’s a LITTLE bit challenged in the hair area… BUT. STILL. CUTEST. It doesn’t get any more garish or plastic…

So, this whole new motherhood thing is, like, really hard. I know that it’s extra-difficult right now because of the whole head cold thing. Which, by the way, I passed on to Baby, even though a) I disinfected my germy self and everything I touched including Baby every two minutes, and b) isn’t breastfeeding supposed…

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