With the exception of Christmastide itself, Lent is probably the best known of all the seasons in the Christian year. Technically speaking, it comences each year on Ash Wednesday which, in this case, would be day after tomorrow. But that is only true when one is speaking technically. For me–and I suspect for most Americans–Lent begins each year at Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday, to give the day its proper English name. That means that Lent begins tomorrow for me and probably for most of us.

This year, for the first time in my life, I am going to keep a log–or a blog, if you prefer–of all the days of Lent 2008. I am going to keep a record, as honestly as I can, of what this season of penitence and preparation means to me on a day by day basis. I invite you to join me here, not just in reading whatever it is I may discover to say, but also in recording some of the discoveries or re-discoveries the days between now and March 23 may bring to you.
There is, in the Christian communion, a greeting for this season that one rarely hears spoken in normal, casual conversation. Probably some shyness about overmuch religiosity comes into play or some concern that we will be misunderstood, but within the confines of our church walls, we often greet each other with the words, “And may yours be a blessed and holy Lent.” I can’t imagine a better way to begin here than by using those ancient words publicly.
May ours be a blessed and holy Lent….
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