Stuff Christian Culture Likes

Christian culture has a tenuous relationship with movies. Even PG movies have no shortage of cursing, violence and innuendo, and it's hard to appreciate the movie as a whole with all that thrown in.

Memorial Day doesn't have anything to do with Jesus, but Christian culture sure does get behind it.

Christian culture isn't known for their environmental activism. In fact, they aren't on board with it much at all.

Men in Christian culture often have giant man-crushes on Bono. Pastors who wish to be emergent/relevant sometimes quote him in sermons and work in a U2 lyric mention when they can.

Most of the blog comments left here that defend Christian culture are signed anonymous. It's a fact.

Christian culture enjoys coffeehouse culture and likes to open coffeehouses as a way to minister to the populace by providing a place to convene. Sometimes this is described as “outreach” to the “community.” The Christian coffeehouse can first be identified by its name. Their names are always either 1. a play on a Biblical phrase…

It's uncomfortable for Christian culture to entertain the idea that gay marriage might be anything other than flat-out wrong. People in Christian culture can't seem to see themselves as being as sinful as they think gay people are.

“Get plugged in” is a phrase used by assorted pastoral staff to encourage church involvement. The youth pastor especially desires for you to get plugged in. He is the most frequent user of this phrase. Close behind him in rate of saying “get plugged in” are small-group leaders, singles pastors, the young adults leader, and…

Not the book of Numbers, so much, but the number of people that your church attracts each week. Some churches crave big numbers as if they are a fledgling business. “Invite your friends!” “We’re considering the exciting possiblities for this year.” “We prayed that He would save 700 people. He did…Plus an additional 40! Totaling…

Christian culture loves this movie. It is the only R-rated movie they heartily endorse. The Passion of the Christ received support and endorsement from Billy Graham, James Dobson, Mission America Coalition, Salvation Army, Promise Keepers, National Association of Evangelicals, Campus Crusade, Focus on the Family, Pat Robertson, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Rick…

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