Having challenged pro-lifers with this ethical riddle, I’d like to now hear from pro-choicers on a particular aspect of the moral dilemma. Let’s assume that abortion is fully legal, right up until the point of birth. Would you feel morally comfortable aborting the fetus one day before the birth date? Under what circumstances? And if…

Kansas State University researchers have mapped the concentration of different sin “hot spots.” Note how lust, pride and wrath are concentrated in the south, while greed seems strangely focused in the Northeast and California. As for gluttony, it appears to be focused in three states. Can you guess which? Click here for all seven maps.

Responding to the Safe, Legal, Early essay, Albert the Abstainer, in the comments box, offers this interesting challenge to pro-lifers: Consider the following ethical question: You are running out of a burning hospital and can run into the fertility clinic to save a liquid nitrogen container holding 500 zygotes, or into the natal unit and…

Andrew Sullivan powerful post on why support for torture seems to correlate with the intensity of one’s Christian faith. The more devout you are, the more likely you are to support torture. Brilliantly, Sullivan illustrates the post with a trailer from the Passion of the Christ, the world’s most famous torture victim. This survey result…

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