An 18-year-old Cincinnatti teen named Jessica Logan committed suicide after her ex-boyfriend emailed around naked cell phone photos of her. The AOL teen site Lemondrop reports: Logan was harassed daily by other girls calling her “slut” and “whore” and throwing objects at her. She finished high school last year and went on national television with…

The paperback edition of my book, Founding Faith, comes out this week. It makes a perfect Ides of March present! Buy it here. I thought I’d use the anniversary to reflect a bit on the reaction the book has gotten. In doing many speeches and media appearances on the book, there have been a few…

Jews who feared that Bernard Madoff was making their tribe seem uniquely culpable for the financial immorality, can relax: Bloomberg today reports that Allen Stanford used his Baptist ties to promote his scam.

The blockbuster new American Religious Identification Survey from Trinity College reports that the fastest growing “faith group” is the one claiming “no religion.” (Full study here.) Look at USA Today’s stunning visual depiction of the flight from Catholicism and “Other Christian.” Then click on the slide for “no religion.” A jarring difference. Cathy Grossman of…

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