This search engine helps you find service projects for Martin Luther King Day Click here to sign a new Declaration of Service, and (if you want) pledge charitable or social action in the coming year: WE BELIEVE in the ideals that define America: liberty, equality, and justice. WE BELIEVE the idea of America is ennobled,…

Jay Sekulow, one of the leading conservative constitutional laywers in the country (and a Beliefnet blogger) was back at the Supreme Court this week fighting Michael Newdow’s attempts to block prayers at the inauguration. Sekulow notes that George Washington in his inaugural address asked for Divine support: “The fact is that references to God at…

Including the two prayers at Barack Obama’s inaugural, 12 prayers will have been delivered at inaugurations since 1989. All of them have been delivered by Protestants. By contrast, in the previous 48 years, of the 41 prayers delivered, 16 — or 39% — were offered by Protestants. Every president prior to George H.W. Bush had…

Rachel Laser of the advocacy group Third Way called it the “official beginning of the ending of the culture war.” Hmmm. This may not be quite “Mission Accomplished” territory but I suspect her prediction is a tad premature. Nonetheless, what was announced — a document called “Come Let Us Reason Together” — was genuinely noteworthy…

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