Just getting around to this remarkable Christianity Today interview with Franklin Graham, son of Billy.

“The people on the far left hate God, they hate his standards, and hate the name of his son. The people on the left are not going to support any relationship with people on the other side.”

The controversy over Rick Warren delivering the invocation, is “a few people on the far left who feel that Obama should not have any evangelicals or Christians involved in the inauguration.”

As regular readers of this blog know, I’ve applauded Obama’s pick of Warren, and defended Warren himself, but I’m surprised that someone like Graham seems so profoundly unaware of why there’s been criticism and opposition. People were concerned that giving a place of honor to someone who seemed to compare gay relationships to pedophilia or incest was a step backward. (He later clarified his remarks, though he stopped short of an apology).
Does Graham really think that critics are primarily driven by a desire to prevent “Christians” from being involved in the inauguration?
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