Barack Obama has just asked Rick Warren to do the invocation at the inauguration. This will no doubt cause serious consternation among many Obama supporters. After the Beliefnet/Wall Street Journal interview with him, Warren has been sharply criticized for his views on gay rights, torture and other issues. Andrew Sullivan picked apart Warren’s claim that…

The following is the controversial portion of the interview with Rick Warren focused on gay marriage, civil unions and divorce. In brackets are clarifications that Warren asked to include after reading a transcript of the original interview: BELIEFNET: Which do you think is a greater threat to the American family – divorce or gay marriage?…

The religious conservative and pro-life groups have made blocking the Freedom of Choice Act one of their top priorities. FOCA, as its called, would potentially overturn state laws restricting abortion, and Barack Obama told Planned Parenthood during the campaign that he would sign the law. Apparently, the pro-life groups can declare victory already. According to…

Beyond Blue Blogger Therese Borchard recognizes that for those battling addiction or depression, the holidays are a time of bad tidings. Her Holiday Depression Busters (#2 being “Expect the Worst”) are wise and funny — as with her phobia of a particular shopping mall Santa whom, Therese is convinced, spreads less good cheer than toxic…

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