For several elections, Republicans have dominated among the most religious and Democrats among the secular. Based on the first wave of exit polls, Obama has narrowed the God Gap considerably, dramatically improving on John Kerry’s 2004 performance among those who attend church frequently. Bush beat Kerry among weekly church-goers by 61%-39%. McCain is beating Obama…

The folks at Catholics United, a progressive Catholic group, have been busy NOT putting fliers in church parking lots. They view that as an intrusion. Indeed, what they’ve been doing instead is making sure that flyers that do get put there are removed. A report from the group’s director Chris Korzen: “We had staff and…

A friend who was doing phone-calling for Obama showed me their script. Interesting bit. Callers are supposed ask would-be voters not only if they’re going to vote but specifically where and when: “Research shows that we can increase voter turnout by asking someone to think about specifics and to visualize wehre/when they will vote!”

The liberal Catholic groups are often at odds with the Catholic Bishops theologically, and on abortion politics. But it turns out that this year some of the conservative Catholic groups are rebelling against the hierarchy over tactics. The Bishops had decided that only official church political literature should be allowed on church premises, not voter…

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