Today’s theme is the economy. In case you were wondering how Republicans would connect McCain’s POW experience to a discussion of the economy, Meg Whitman, the former CEO of eBay, explained that McCain emphathizes with American economic suffering because:

“He understands hardship in a way that few of us have ever known.”

Other observations from the introductory speakers:
IGNORING CARLY AND MEG — Few delegates listened to Meg Whitman or Carly Fiorinia. I bet they’re not used audiences ignoring them.

DRILL, BABY, DRILL –Crowd came alive when Michael Steele, said, “in other words, drill baby drill! And drill now!” He also was the first to raise Jeremiah Wright: “It’s about his understanding that associations do matter, and that America, though flawed, should not be damned for creating a place so many want to call home.”
LIB-ER-ALS — Mitt Romney is trying to make the case for change by arguing that it’s really “the liberals” who control government. Since the majority of the Supreme Court was appointed by government, the White House is Republican, and Congress has been controlled by Republicans for six of the last eight years. He sneered the word “liberal” sixteen times. If he was the guy who was supposed to make the sale on the economy for the Republicans, I’m not sure that worked.
–Thompson: “To deal with these challenges the Democrats present a history making nominee for president. History making in that he is the most liberal, most inexperienced nominee to ever run for President.”
–Huckabee: “So, I say with sincerity that I have great respect for Senator Obama’s historic achievement to become his party’s nominee — not because of his color, but with indifference to it. Party or politics aside, we celebrate this milestone because it elevates our country.”
HUCK JOKE — Line about Palin getting more votes running for Wasilla than Joe Biden did running for President was very funny and well delivered. Doesn’t make sense when you think too hard about it, as the apples-to-apples comparison would be her Mayoral election vs. his senatorial election, but that’s a quibble.
The patriotic school desk story rocked the house, but I’m not sure this is working. The point of this evening was to convince people that McCain could fix the economy. Is repeating the stories about McCain’s patriotism in the 1960s really do that?
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