In Denver, the evangelical preachers who offered prayers to the Democratic convention (Joel Hunter and Donal Miller) searched for creative ways to worship “in Jesus’s’ name” — and still being inclusive of different faiths.
Tonight at the Republican convention, Miles McPherson of the Rock Church in San Diego, preached about how God is always watching:

“You may not see God, but He is here, and He is always watching, and like a loving parent, He desperately wants us to call to Him for help.
“In Jeremiah 33:3 – God says, “Cry out to me and I will tell you great and mighty things you do not know.” If there was ever a time when we needed to call on God, it’s now.”

In the official text released by the convention, it says he closed the prayer by saying, “We pray these things to the Lord our God. Amen.”
But in the hall, he actually closed the prayer by saying, “We pray these things in Jesus’s name.” The invocation from the yesterday closed the same way.

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