In reviewing John McCain’s statements on abortion, it strikes me: we dont actually know what his position is.
How is that possible? He’s stated very clearly that he’s pro-life. “I will be a pro-life president. And this presidency will have pro-life policies.”
But what does that mean? In the past he’s said he supported a Constitutional Amendment banning abortion. That was what was in the 2004 Republican platform and there’s no indication that will change.

However, on his website he merely says he supports overturning Roe v. Wade. Those are very different things. Overturning Roe v. Wade would send the issue to the states, meaning some states could ban abortion and other would keep it legal.
Indeed, on the website he says, “once the question is returned the states” the fight would continue to change public opinion. “These important groups can help build the consensus necessary to end abortion at the state level.”
Those are two extremely different positions: one says leave abortion to the states, the other says, ban abortions nationally.
Which is it?
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