Simply Fabulous

After my father passed away from cancer in 2009, I sought out a volunteering opportunity where I could help those who were struggling with cancer.  I ended up finding a wonderful ministry here in Charlotte called “Hope Cancer Ministries.”  They do all sorts of things to help cancer patients and their families – drive them…

As this last year came to a close on December 31st, it’s only natural that we all took a moment to reflect on what happened in our lives over the past 365 days. There was a birthday, Christmas, probably a vacation or trip, maybe even a wedding, a new home or a baby.  We think…

The other day, while applying eyeliner like I’ve done a million times before, I had a revelation. I realized what color my eyes were. Now I’m sure you’re thinking… “Um, how did you get to be in your 30’s and not know what color your eyes are?”  But the thing is, I thought I knew. But…

I’ll admit it.  I tend to go a little overboard with giving at Christmastime.  There’s the shoe boxes for Samaritan’s Purse, the toy store at my church, the gift baskets for families that my church also does, the Toys for Tots drives, the angel trees, the food drives and my personal favorite – Good Samaritan…

This past weekend, I ended up rather spontaneously visiting a friend that I’ve known since my freshman year in college.  We had tentatively talked about me coming there or vice versa, but then it sort of fell by the wayside.  On a whim, a few days beforehand, I asked if I should still come and…

Lately, I’ve noticed a trend with commercials promoting all the wrong things.  I’m sure it’s not a new phenomenon.  They’ve probably always been doing the same thing, but maybe I’m just more tuned in to them now. The first one that struck me was a mortgage commercial.  I won’t name the company but in their…

While I was at lunch yesterday with a friend, she made a comment that stuck with me.  We were talking about a situation with my tiny house that was causing me some stress and anxiety, when she said… The situation itself is neutral.  It’s your reaction to the situation that is positive or negative. It…

How many times have you said “I wish there were just a few more hours in the day”… “I need more days in the week!”… or “If only I could clone myself…” I know I’ve said one of those things practically every other day.  Sometimes it DOES feel like there just aren’t enough hours in…

Since I decided not to have cable TV in my tiny house, I have been using Hulu for my nightly relaxation/entertainment.  And since Hulu has all of the “old” shows on it… I recently found myself watching Felicity over again from the very beginning through to the season finale.  I used to LOVE that show…

This morning, on the two year anniversary of my mom’s passing, I was laying in bed in the loft of my tiny house.  From that angle, I can see straight across the top of the house to the storage loft that’s on the opposite side.  Without really focusing on anything in particular, I found myself…

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