“They forgot what he had done, the wonders he had shown them.”  – Psalm 78:11 “Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced.”  – Psalm 105:5 Have you ever walked into a room only to realize once you’re in there, that you don’t remember why you were headed there in…

These days, the word “miracle” gets thrown around pretty easily.  Saying “it’ll be a miracle” if someone shows up on time or remembers where they parked their car.  Heck, there’s even a mayonnaise that’s so creamy and whipped, that it’s a “miracle.”  Although I’m sure the individual persons  involved are quite happy that their friend…

There are different terms to describe it – “flow”… “the zone”… “the right track”… “the sweet spot.”  It’s that feeling when you know you’re where you’re supposed to be, doing what you’re supposed to be doing, at the time  you’re supposed to be doing it.  It’s what it feels like when you’re in line with…

We all have one.  A story.  Good or bad, happy or sad… we all have a life story that tells the path we have taken and the experiences we have been through.  But often, we can become attached to these stories – whether we actually want to or not. Somewhere along the way, we get used…

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