A Simple Life, a Childlike Faith

By Michelle Demeree We learn about love for the world and to have good judgment.  For the right reasons, we are in trouble with ungodly people. But we sometimes hurt our Christian family.  We should not spread rumors about each other.  People need to use good judgment for each other. Everyone has many choices to…

Today, is Global Day of Prayer.  The international chairperson is Graham Power of  South Africa.  This is a day set aside to pray for people around the world.  Here is a suggested prayer for the nations. Lord, we love and praise you for who you.  Though you dwell in heaven, you chose to bless the…

Smart people with position and power can do amazingly stupid things and still believe that they will are immune to the realities of life.  I received a devotional message from the organization TGIF which is part of  the ministry of Os Hillman.  Though, Congressman Anthony Weiner was not mentioned in the message, I could not…

For 45 years, I’ve walked the beach looking for sea turtles during the evening.  While others see them regularly, I’ve never seen even one.  The sea turtles nest on our beach; but I’m probably the one person who lives on our island who hasn’t seen them.  It isn’t that I didn’t want to see them.…

Are you worried about the price of gasoline?  Of course, you are.  All of us are eager to save gas in our cars and, thereby, save money.  It has now stopped being an environmental thing.  Every person and family is being hurt each time we pull up to the gas pumps. No matter what you…

I received a disappointing text message today from a good and close friend. The text wasn’t aimed at me or even intended for me.  Nevertheless, disappointment vibrated through the Internet lines piercing my heart.  I could feel the disappointment that emanated from the sender and the disappointment that struck the core-being of the receiver. All of us experience…

When my father salvaged a signed “Miller” chandelier from an old Charleston, South Carolina, mansion, Mama didn’t want it in her house; so Daddy hung it in the attic. I asked if I could have it.  I was about 11 years old and I loved the antique glass and the brass swirls that framed the sections.  Whenever my…

There is something that will change people’s lives which every person can do.  It is very simple.  It won’t cost you a penny.  It will make you feel better.  It will change your life as well as others. The Bible tells us in Judges 3, New Century Version: Deborah said to Barak, “TheLord, the God…

Because no author is given, I cannot be sure of the author of this essay.  However,  you will find a great deal of truth in the content. Written by an Australian Dentist To Kill an American You probably missed this in the rush of news, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan…

Hard to view and not understand that God wants to play a unique part in your life.

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