I often think about the positive changes that have happened in the lives of the people I know–especially the members of Special Gathering, which is ministry within the mentally challenged community.  Shelley has become a young woman who is caring and compassionate to others.  In the past, John used his leadership skill to bully people…

One of the greatest benefits of God‘s provision is that He rescues us from ourselves. I look in the mirror and see how much I’ve changed over the years.  Gravity has taken a toll on my body.  Every body part that can fall has fallen by at least four inches.   Yet, one thing that…

Jack Green–pastor and missionary to Korea “Only God can strike a straight lick from a crocked stick.” “No two people are compatible.  You sit of opposite sides of the table.  You sit in different chairs.  You have different backgrounds, families, hopes and dreams.”  Wylene Hughes–housewife and secretary from Northwest Florida After listening patiently to my…

The theme for soulblindministry is “I’m just a simple guy simply trying to change the world.”  I haven’t followed Daniel Lyons’ blog long enough to know whether his thoughts are right or wrong; but I really admire and love his goal–to change the world. I was married to a man for 49 years who deeply believed that…

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