I’ve received comments asking for a list of questions that can be asked when we first meet people.  This is in reference to the What Is the First Impression I Give, entry for October 5, 2011. Here are the 10 questions I memorized.  You may think of others. Each area is different.  Because I live…

Have you watched Susie’s business grow?  Of course, Susie’s Lemonade is a fictitious TV-commercial corporation founded by a young girl who started with a lemonade stand.  She has now built her roadside stand into a large corporation, using advanced technology. I was reminded of this commercial as I listened to the news that Steve Jobs…

My good friend, Malcolm, told me that he attended a leadership class recently.  It was both an exhilarating and brutal course. The teacher expertly built up the members.  Where needed, she ripped apart each of the participants. At the end of the week-long seminar, the teacher explained that during the first hour of each class,…

I’m not sure when our faith in Christ became a political football.  But I know that it has become exactly that. My neighbor, Betsy,  is one of the most dynamic and conservative Christians I’ve ever known.  She attends Bible class each week taught by R. C. Sproul, in Orlando, Florida.  Sproul is known for his…

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