Rev.  David A. Tester shares from  his experiences during his chaplain residency in Charleston, SC at St. Frances Hospital. The article was first published in the Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling. The Final Moments of Life I am a hospital chaplain. It is an awesome event when life support systems are removed from a…

This week there are three little girls under the age of five visiting in my home.  Watching them, I’m amazed again at how much they are able to pour their love out without abandonment.  The girls live in another state; but they have visited my home enough that they have become friends with other children and several…

Sometimes confession is good for the soul.  So here goes. I began reading the Bible on a daily basis when I was in high school.  That was more years than most of you have been alive.  I still read through the Bible each year.  My goals is to read four chapters each day.  Even though…

Dear Math, I’m not a therapist.  Solve your own problems. ____________________________________ I’m amazed at how often I’m working against myself.  Yesterday and today, I wasted more than $20 because I had to make three trips to a neighboring town, 20 miles away.  My mission was to deliver the masters of our monthly letter, Connecting Point to The…

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