jesus movementRecently, I’ve heard a great deal about the things the Holy Spirit was doing in the 1960’s and 1970’s.  It is interesting to me because those were days through which we lived.  There were times that it seemed that the Lord was tangible enough to reach out and touch.  Even though I was very young–bearly out of my teenage years–I had been a Christian long enough to realize that this kind of mysterious, glorious revelation would not last forever.

It is part of the curse that we live under.  We leak.  There are some things that we need to understand when we are faced with our leaky humanity.  Here are a few that I’ve learned over the years

leaking bucket1.  Though we leak, God does not moved away from us.

2.  Neither has He removed His love and compassion.

3.  Miracles don’t grow faith.

4.  Day-to-day living grows faith.

5.  Living out the Word of God when you feel nothing makes our faith strong and resilient.

6.  Leaking isn’t a sin.

7.  Leaking is simply a reality and part of our Adamic nature.

8.  Leaking doesn’t mean that we love God less than we did when there was almost a tangible presence of the Holy Spirit.

9.  Abundant faith and abundant faithfulness are different.

10.  Adundant faith is a gift from God.

11.  Abundant faithfulness is our gift to God.

A wonderful Christian Mentor–my mother–often quietly mused, “Will the Lord find a faithful people when He returns?”  It seems like a simple question; but she repeated it so often that I came to understand that Mother was expressing the plaintive cry of God’s heart.  Ministering within the mentally challenged community for many years has helped me to see the fruit of a faithful people.  Most of my members will never write a book, sonnet or poem.  About half of them cannot read.  Some cannot talk.  But they are faithful.  I’ve had several members who did not miss a week in 20 years.

Mighty deeds and amazing miracles are wonderful.  They attract crowds and bring great joy into our lives.  But I’ve become more and more convinced that God is looking for a faithful people who will love Him no matter what the circumstances, delights, hardship, joy or trials.

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