I received an alarming phone call from a parent of a young woman who is in trouble. She is still at the age that she should not be distressed about life and death issues; nevertheless, her fate hangs in the balance almost daily.

Everything in me shouts, “This should not be!” Children should not be dealing with such weighty issues. But she is not the only child who has become plagued with thoughts and actions that force them to take mature stands that are far beyond their emotional abilities to cope.

It appears that no longer are only adults forced to walk through deep shadow lands of great depression, doubt and fear. Because of demonic attack, even children raised in Christian homes with godly parents are now being forced to wander aimlessly into vast wastelands of the mind and spirit.

While details cannot and should not be given, I am requesting that people pray not only for the three young people with whom I have personal contact but that our children be held up in prayer pleading for God’s protection of our young. I personally know of three young people ranging from the ages of 10 to 20 who are on the verge of horrific danger. Two of them are under the age of 13.

It is time for Christians to be alerted and called to action in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to guard against such attacks on our children. Many parents within the disability community report that dealing with their child’s weaknesses has been the worst and best thing with which they have ever been forced to deal. Jack Green, an pastor from Alabama, used to say, “Only God can strike a straight lick from a crooked stick.” Like Moses, we need to raise our staffs before the Lord, striking at the heart of our enemy who is seeking to destroy a new generation.

Do you know of any children who are under unusual attack? What do you believe could be the reason for this onslaught?

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