When I went to visit my grandchild when she was 18 months old, she could say, “Grandmother and cracker.”  She knew what she wanted and how to get it with a smile and a kiss.  Can you imagine that this precious little baby was a growing, thriving bundle of dirt.

Genesis 2:7 and 8 tell us, Then the Lord God took dust from the ground and formed a man from it. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nose, and the man became a living person.  Then the Lord God planted a garden in the east, in a place called Eden, and put the man he had formed into it.

 God took the most common thing on earth, dirt, and fashioned his most prize possession, people. When we look at the great achievements of the universe, they have all be accomplished by some bundle of dirt.

The greatest acts of love, compassion and tenderness, all come from some salt-water moistened lump of dirt.

When we look at the great works of art, they are all skillfully and brilliantly fashioned by dirt hands.

We must understand our origins to fully understand ourselves.  I‘m not talking about our family background.  We need to understand that God made us from dirt.  Even science agrees with the fact that we are made from dirt.  What science cannot understand is God’s love for me as he fashioned Adam and Eve into humanity

Abstract thought cannot grasp a Creator God who loved us enough to let us have freewill that would turn and curse and revile our Creator.

Thinking people sometimes cannot grasp this God who made a way for me to be redeemed by the shed blood of his Son.  God loved the dirt he had fashioned so much that He knew that only if he became dirt himself could he bring these dirty creature to himself.

He gave us everything to become like us–dirt.   I am dirt but because of Jesus, I am clean dirt who is greatly loved by God.

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