During Memorial Day weekend each year, about 200 Special Gathering members go to Vero Beach for a spiritual retreat called Camp Agape.  For four days, we learn about the Lord, play and hangout with each other.  There are go-carts, a water slide, putt-putt golf, boat rides and swimming.

Joe is 45, short of statue.  His wavy,  brown hair that gets wet from perspiration and sticks closely to his head.  Even though he has no physical disabilities, his child-like enthusiasm exposes that he is developmentally disabled.

Joe was so excited about Camp Agape that he filled out the application form himself.  He hand-delivered the envelop to me with an enormous grin on his face.  “Joe’s going to camp,” he proclaimed with enthusiasm.

I opened the envelop to insure that all the blanks were filled in properly.  All the blanks were full.  The only problem is that he had no idea how to fill in the blanks.  Therefore, he put lots of letters but no words.  I called his family and explained to them what had happened.

Sending them a new form is no problem.  They will be sure that the blanks are filled out correctly–if Joe doesn’t find it first.

Of course, I can understand Joe’s enthusiasm for Camp Agape.  The Acts of the Apostles tell us that the early church: prayed, hung-out together and learned from the Apostle’s doctrine.  After a long day in the Florida sun, we gather for evening chapel.  During praise and worship as we all lift up our voices in praise to Him, I look around and feel the spirit of our church fathers surrounding us as heavenly witnesses.  I feel the pleasure of the Holy Spirit as the Church gathers to pray, learn and fellowship.

Is there a time that you feel especially connected with the Lord ?  Who are the people with whom you like to hang-out?  Do you think there is value in getting away to seek the Lord with other Christians?

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