Via a New Scientist blog, here’s a nifty notice of the stage play “Re: Design,” built on the real-life 40-year correspondence between Charles Darwin and his friend, Harvard botanist Asa Gray, who accepted Darwin’s theory of evolution without losing his religious faith. Excerpt: As a piece of theatre, Re: Design stands in contrast to Creation,…

Woke up this morning to the shocking, awful news that an old friend was killed yesterday in a car crash near New Orleans. Gerard was taking his parents, who also died, home from the doctor. Police today booked a woman with three counts of negligent homicide in the hit-and-run accident. Knowing the kind of man…

On the drive to work this morning, I listened to a Mars Hill Audio Journal interview with the Orthodox Christian theologian David Bentley Hart , in which Hart discussed his book “Atheist Delusions,” which attacks Ditchkins et alia. In the interview, Hart observed that there is a juvenile naivete at the heart of these New…

I’m really enjoying Templeton Prize winner Charles Taylor’s massive tome, “A Secular Age.” Unlike most philosophers, Taylor is a crystal-clear writer, and has the gift of being able to discuss profound and complex thoughts without giving himself over to impenetrable jargon. In the passage I read last night, Taylor discusses the fundamental psychological shift that…

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