The government of Bavaria holds the copyright on Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” and has exercised that right to prevent its publication for 70 years. But that copyright expires in 2015, and the Times reports there’s a controversy over whether the book should be published in contemporary Germany. Scholars want to publish a critical, annotated edition of…

Mark Vernon created a fun online quiz to help you figure yours out. Here’s mine, along with a Vernon online video bit about him: Your recommended philosophy-guru is ZENO OF CITIUM.Key fact: He taught in a stoa, the Athenian supermarket, and hence founded the school of philosophy called Stoicism.Must have: An interest in everyday life,…

I have avoided blogging about gay marriage since starting this new blog, because without fail, gay marriage threads on Crunchy Con were examples of 99 percent heat/1 percent light. This new blog is not meant to be polemical, especially not on the usual culture war issues. Today, though, I came across a story that is…

This morning on the way in I was listening to an old episode of the unfailingly excellent and indispensable Mars Hill Audio Journal, in which sociologist Christian Smith discussed his findings about American youth and Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. I was struck by the part of his discussion with host Ken Myers about how American teenagers…

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