How on earth does a man who trains for 150-mile races do it without eating meat or dairy protein? Mark Bittman talks to Scott Jurek. Excerpt: He said he spent a great deal of time shopping, preparing and cooking food — and chewing. He is among the slowest and most deliberate eaters I know, and…

How far we’ve come since Laika: Yang Liwei, the 44-year-old military pilot who commanded the Shenzhou Five mission in 2003, revealed the menu on-board the spacecraft in his autobiography, The Nine Levels between Heaven and Earth. “Many of my friends are curious about what we eat [in space] and think that the astronauts must have…

This material is going to be familiar to many of you from an earlier series of blog postings here, but here’s a piece I’ve done on obesity as a moral issue. Excerpt: Anyone who wishes to exercise self-discipline has to swim against powerful cultural currents. But it can be done, and done relatively inexpensively. I’ve…

Reader Conor sends a report about how the extensive use of the weedkiller Roundup has resulted in the emergence of Roundup-resistant weeds. Excerpt: Just as the heavy use of antibiotics contributed to the rise of drug-resistant supergerms, American farmers’ near-ubiquitous use of the weedkiller Roundup has led to the rapid growth of tenacious new superweeds.…

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