Sorry to keep up with the obesity blogging, but I’ve been running across science-based articles today that shed some light, possibly, on the psychology, both social and individual, of obesity. New and occasional readers should know that I place my critical comments about obesity within a general theological/philosophical point of view (which sees the overcoming…

As a way to think and talk around the controversy over obesity and weight control in earlier threads, I’m thinking it might be good to start a thread in which people who have struggled with food and weight issues — I included anorexics and bulimics in that bunch — can simply talk about what they’ve…

Ta-Nehisi Coates: I’m not clear on precisely how much shame can actually help. It’s shame that’s created our absurd McWeightLoss culture where Octomom takes to the cover of celebrity magazines to show off her new bikini body, and retired athletes claim to have found the secret to losing five pounds a week. It’s symptomatic of…

This revolting Donna Simpson person weighs 602 pounds, and is trying to get to 1,000 pounds. Why? She makes her money with a website in which pervs (like her kinky boyfriend) pay to watch her shove food in her mouth and jiggle around. “I love eating and people love watching me eat,” she says. “It…

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