The cultural conflict scholar James Davison Hunter has a new book out that I’m definitely going to get, criticizes Christian political engagement of both the right and left. From a Hunter quote on Andrew Sullivan’s site: The tragedy is that in the name of resisting the internal deterioration of faith and the corruption of the…

You could have knocked me over with a feather from Arianna Huffington’s pink boa when I opened the following e-mail the other day: Hey Rod, I saw you posted my viral film on your blog. I know you disapprove, but I was excited to see it there anyway. I’m actually an avid follower of your…

Writing in Saturday’s Washington Post, Marc Fisher uses his review of the new German-American museum to remark critically on the essential fraudulence of museums of ethnic heritage. Excerpt: But when each ethnic group creates its own museum, visitors are left without the tools to put each ethnicity’s take on history in any useful context. The…

Greetings from Georgetown, where we heard tonight the English public intellectual Philip Blond introduce Red Toryism to an American audience. Blond is an engaging speaker and and real optimist about the possibility of positive political change (at dinner tonight after the speech, it was encouraging for a pessimist like me to hear him speak so…

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