From today’s NYTimes: Top Vatican officials — including the future Pope Benedict XVI — did not defrock a priest who molested as many as 200 deaf boys, even though several American bishops repeatedly warned them that failure to act on the matter could embarrass the church, according to church files newly unearthed as part of…

I want to contrast the way the institutional Catholic Church is struggling to deal with its problem bishops, versus the way the Orthodox Church in America (my church) has done it recently. It shouldn’t be necessary to say this, but I probably need to: this is not an argument for why Orthodoxy is more true…

A British customer of KFC is irate because his local KFC wouldn’t serve him a sandwich with bacon on it. Excerpt: The company has taken the burger off the menu because Islamic dietary law forbids Muslims to eat anything which has been prepared on the same premises as pork, which is itself strictly forbidden. It…

Writing in the (liberal) Texas Observer, Joe Lansdale, who lives in a small Texas town, says he used to think badly of Walmart, but now has changed his mind. Excerpt: Why am I defensive about Walmart? Let me tell you about the long-gone downtowns, my friends. Before I do, I know you have some wonderful,…

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