It was probably pretty hard for the Democrats to vote against their best interest this way. They were between a rock and hard place. Kudos to the Senators who voted for the troops at the expense of their base: The Senate voted Thursday to condemn an advertisement by the liberal anti-war group that accused…

Stating the obvious: Up until now, Bill Clinton has been a complete plus among Democratic primary voters for Hillary Clinton. But now, with the Norman Hsu money-raising controversy, for the first time there’s a real concern in the Clinton camp that this is real baggage from the Clinton White House years. There’s a lot of…

It’s an anti-Clinton Facebook group (I think you have to be a member of Facebook to see the page) with over 300,000 members. I just joined 🙂 It’s for Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are bonding together over our shared fear that this woman will be elected president. (Doesn’t make you want to join hands…

I can’t believe I’m about to defend Clinton but I just can’t see anyone, even Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser thinking that Clinton has less knowledge of foreign affairs than Obama especially given his missteps of the last month: Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the most influential foreign-policy experts in the Democratic Party, threw his support…

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