Reformed Chicks Blabbing

I think I’ll be using Google instead of Yahoo and Microsoft to do my searches because of this.

End of the Spear is getting panned by the critics. Has anyone seen it? I was thinking about seeing it but if it stinks I won’t bother.

From Drudge: “You know what? At some point, one of these men has to put it back in his pants and zip up the zipper.” She even suggested that Bush hold some kind of talk with the man behind 9/11. “I won’t trust him, but anything that gives me the opportunity to seek peace, I…

Unbelievable! Why would anyone believe anything these women say? (Link via Instanpundit) Update: Here is a response by The Alliance of Iranian Women to the misuse of their protest pictures by Code Pink. (Link via Evil Pundit of doom)

My friend Linda sent me a link to the PCRT and suggested I blog about it. PCRT is the Philadelphic Conference on Reformed Theology that the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals hosts every year and it was originally held at Tenth Presbyterian in Philadelphia (it has since expanded to three other locations). My husband and I…

I had planned on writing at least one new post a day but I was really busy yesterday. I got my daughters ready for school, drove 45 minutes each way to school, edited the notes and questions for my Bible study, drove to the church, battled with the copier, taught Judges 10, had lunch with…

I am looking forward to the new season of Survivor since they have reformatted it with four teams: young men, old men, young women and old women. This should be interesting! You would think that the old women wouldn’t stand a chance but sometimes the younger teams get cocky and lose. I am also looking…

When my husband saw that I added Serenity to my favorites he said, “It’s a favorite already?” I told him that it was a really good movie and he was going to like it a lot and that I wanted to eventually get the series on DVD. After he watched the movie he said, “Order…

Hey Angela, I think we choose the name of our blog too quickly. This one is much better: ??? ??? (though we would have to call it echomen zoe).

I watched Serenity last night and it was so good I added it to my favorites list. I would highly recommend it except for one problem with the movie, it has some gross scenes. It was written and directed by Joss Whedon, who created Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, so you can understand what…

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