Reformed Chicks Blabbing

I guess this guy regrets not listening to his mother and teachers who told him to keep his shoelaces tied. This is a good warning to those who don’t keep them tied, tie your shoelaces before you go into a museum. (Link via Hugh Hewitt)

I haven’t blogged recently because I’ve been very busy not reading. Knowing that I have to read forces me to do other things like clean the house. I also had to do mommy things like scan in pictures of Christmas past then take the digital images to CVS for reprints (I lost the negatives). Why…

This is so true! I used to be able to cut out sugar for a couple weeks and lose weight. Now, nothing!

I was trying to explain the purpose of this blog to a friend of mine (and this was after she had read my explanation) and I realized that the easiest way to explain it is to say Reformed Christian world-view. So this blog will eventually (and very slowly I might add)be filled with examples of…

The White Horse Inn is doing a series on Romans. You can listen to it here.

My hermeneutics professor made his handouts available to the class already in a number of different file formats including one I had never heard of before: Open Office. Open Office is a free multilingual office suite and yes, you heard (or in this case read) that right, FREE. It is very similar to Microsoft Office…

Here is a funny video that some of us might wish were true (especially when you get the blue screen of death). (Link via Common Grounds Online)

Of course I always wait to the last minute and last night was no exception. Samantha kept saying to me, “Mommy, you need to read. You need to do your work. If you don’t do your work, you are going to regret it.” (Could Samantha be a prophet like her namesake?) Of course I did…

Hugh Hewitt liked The End of the Spear and recommened it on his blog. I guess I finally got an answer to my question. I think I might just wait until it comes to DVD.

Recently there was an episode on ER that dealt with abortion. Abby is pregnant with Kovac’s baby and decided to get an abortion. At the same time a teenager comes into the ER pregnant and it turns out that she is raped. She is not only a teenager but a professing Christian. Her parents decide…

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