Reformed Chicks Blabbing

Logos is celebrating their new app for the iPhone/iTouch by giving away an iTouch. Details here.

Over his support of the “Cadillac tax:” “The president is calling us in to discuss some of the policy differences regarding the excise tax,” said a union official. “It should be happening in the next couple of days.”[…]”The president is calling us in to discuss some of the policy differences regarding the excise tax,” said…

In case you guys missed the video of Obama promising to open up the process and let the America public in on the debate over health care:As you guys probably read yesterday C-SPAN is trying to hold Obama to his campaign promise of televising the debate over health care on C-SPAN but that’s not going…

Was really surprised to see that Dorgan won’t be seeking reelection this year but I’m not buying his reason: In his statement, Dorgan said his retirement was borne out of the desire to spend more time with his family. “Over this holiday season, I have come to the conclusion, with the support of my family,…

Or you run the risk of being kidnapped. Here’s the story of a couple who visited friends in Mexico and their husbands were kidnapped and killed. And here’s a similar story of a family driving at night one mile from the border:BTW, an excellent book to get the back story on the drug trade in…

Though it’s hard for me to see how my new year is going to be very happy, I do wish a happy new year for you. I hope you are enjoying the evening with your family and friends and are grateful that the Lord has given you one more year on his wonderful creation. Of…

Video message from President Obama wishing us a Happy New Year!(via)

I wanted to let you guys know that I appreciate your prayers and comments concerning the return of my cancer. It has been very difficult to deal with the knowledge that a deadly disease is trying to end my life. I keep thinking of the movie (and episode of Law and Order) where the protagonist…

Looks like the House is realizing that if they are going to pass any kind of health care “reform,” they’ll have to give up the public option: Asked during rounds on the Sunday news shows whether he could vote for a final bill that does not embrace a public plan, Clyburn said: “Yes, sir, I…

I’m finally back online! It took my husband hours yesterday to fix the problem, I’m blessed to have such a knowledgeable and patient husband. I was able to back up my computer because VAIO has a data recovery program, so I wasn’t too concerned with what he did. He was able (after much struggle) to…

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