Wow! McCain got a pretty decent convention bump (or Palin bump :-). Obama’s convention was was 6% but McCain’s was 10% and puts him well over the 50% mark (for likely voters): McCain-Palin soared right past the fifty-percent mark and according to the poll leads Obama-Biden fifty-four percent (54%) to forty-four percent (44%). Sarah Palin’s…

Do you think that the MSM will finally get it that they seriously overplayed their hand with Palin? It’s looks like Quinn may have started to get a clue:(via)

That’s an excerpt from Palin’s speech. It sounds like it’s going to be quite interesting, don’t you think? I’m certainly looking forward to it. Here’s another quote: “Here’s how I look at the choice Americans face in this election. In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. And then there…

These are the answers that they rehearse with the candidate so he doesn’t sound like an idiot: Sen. Barack Obama’s pitch perfect response regarding the announcement of an impending birth in the Palin family (“my mother had me when she was 18”) was not without a series of edits and rehearsals, according to some Obama…

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