Obama learns the obvious: no one wants to take the Gitmo detainees.

President Barack Obama is now confirming what many have long suspected: He will miss his January deadline to close the Guantanamo prison — partly because he cannot persuade other nations to take the detainees.
Prisoners like Walid Abu Hijazi. The 29-year-old Palestinian is nearing his eighth year at Guantanamo even though the U.S. approved his release in February 2008. No one else has been willing to allow him, or dozens of others, into their territory.

Well, duh! If we don’t want them, why would they?
That anyone is surprised by this is pretty laughable:

The slow pace of transfers has surprised many lawyers and Guantanamo critics who expected a warmer diplomatic response to Obama’s announced intent to overhaul the Bush detention policy, which drew much criticism around the globe.

So, the nations didn’t bow down to Obama and jump to take on the risk and expense of these prisoners even though he’s not Bush? You mean it wasn’t about torture after all? Shocking!
I guess it’s time the left learn that you can’t always get what you want even though you elected a politician who said he could get it done. Evidently, he didn’t know what the heck he was talking about.

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