It’s so much fun watching politicians get caught in their own web of deception. The video is hilarious, watching the press start to circle this guy who wants to be the next governor of Virginia as he attempts to spin, it looks like a feeding frenzy. He is attempting to parse a statement he made during the debate on taxes In the debate he said he wasn’t gong to raise taxes but apparently that only meant for the general fund (which he clarifies to the reporters after the debate — the general audience has no idea that he was, in effect, crossing his fingers when he said he wouldn’t raise taxes) since he’s wants to raise “money” for transportation. When pressed by the reporters to state that he plans to raise taxes for transportation, he will only say that he plans to raise “money” for transportation. Maybe he has bake sales in mind. BTW, taxes that fall outside the general fund include the gas tax (according to the video). Look out, Virginians, it’s coming.(via)

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