The results of this poll aren’t surprising. A majority of Democrats view the government as responsible for health insurance while a majority of Republicans and Independents do not:

In a recent Gallup survey, 89% of Republicans, 64% of independents, and 61% of Americans overall say Americans themselves — rather than the government — have the primary responsibility for ensuring that they have health insurance. Six in 10 Democrats say the government should be primarily responsible.

And yeah, I noticed the other polls mentioned in the article but agree with this conclusion:

Americans tend to agree with the government’s taking responsibility for guaranteeing healthcare coverage when asked in “yes or no” terms. However, they are more libertarian on the issue when asked whether the government or individual citizens should be primarily responsible for ensuring that coverage.

BTW, given the public’s view of health insurance, maybe the Democrats would get further in their efforts if they focused more on incentives and less on mandates.
Here’s an interesting article on why Obama bombed on the public option (the public wasn’t dumb enough to believe that the pubic option would save money).

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