I was saddened to see that the congregation was set to vote on whether they would dissolve their relationship with their pastor. A pastor that was just installed in March! Here’s Tchividjian’s take on the actions of those who sought to get him kicked out of the church.

You may have read, in this paper or elsewhere, six members of our church recently circulated unsolicited letters and a petition voicing their opposition to my leadership and requesting a congregational meeting to vote on whether to keep me as their pastor. Citing things like my desire not to wear a robe when I preach, not honoring the legacy and preferences of Dr. Kennedy to the degree that I should, making personnel changes (bringing in my staff from New City), and not preaching political sermons, these six members have been working to remove me as pastor.

People are upset that he’s “not preaching political sermons?” Um…where in the Bible does it say that’s what the pastor should be doing? I thought that the pastor was supposed to be proclaiming another kingdom, on that’s not of this world.
The congregation voted by a pretty decent margin to retain Tchividjian, I hope those who lost this fight can get beyond these issues and submit themselves to their pastor and elders, though, unfortunately usually they just leave the church.

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