Who doubted Obama would raise everyone’s taxes not just those making over $250,000? I certainly I’m not shocked that they plan to tax the middle class. You can’t just tax the rich and reduce the deficit especially with spending billions on cars, stabilizing financial institutions, construction, green energy jobs and propping up the state governments:

Geithner was clear that he believes a key component of economic recovery is deficit reduction. When I gave him several opportunities to rule out a middle class tax hike, he wouldn’t do it.
“We have to bring these deficits down very dramatically,” Geithner told me. “And that’s going to require some very hard choices.”
“We will not get this economy back on track, recovery will be not strong and sustained, unless we convince the American people that we are going to have the will to bring these deficits down once recovery is firmly established,” he said.

How about having the will to stop spending money and giving all of us back some of it so we can stimulate different aspects of the economy, not just the automobile industry.
And if they really cared about the economy and the deficit, they wouldn’t be proposing wrecking the healthcare industry and spending trillions of dollars we don’t have, furthering the hole we’re digging for our kids and grandkids.

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