Apparently, everyone wants to know what she looks like (as of this post, that phrase is number 3 on Google trends). I guess it’s really a bummer for the googlers that you only get Standford’s picture when you Google images with that phrase. And even more of a bummer when the best you get from googling the news is a picture of her apartment building!

Fox News is reporting that she’s a beautiful brunette with big eyes. I guess we’ll have to take their word for it until the picture inevitably (you know the press is camped out waiting for her) turns up and when it does, I’ll post a link 🙂
And The Daily News may look like they have the photo but they don’t (very slick move posting a photo of the brunette prostitute in the Elliot Spitzer scandal).
BTW, I haven’t commented on this story because it’s becoming like a dog bites man story for Republicans to cheat on their wives. Why bother repeating what I said when Ensign did it.
The only thing I’ll add is that any other Republican who does not want to be humiliated in this way should end his/her affair now because the media will out you. Adulterous Democrats they’ll protect (how long did they know about Edwards before they published anything?) for as long as they can but Republicans will be outed. Get used to it. Live above reproach or start talking about how the Republicans can’t be the arbiters of morality (that would be my choice).
Now, here’s the most interesting question of this scandal: who sent Standford’s private emails to the press?
Update: A photo of another kind (but still in the adulterous politician category).
Updated again: Conservatives dump Standford as their choice for 2012.

“I think Governor Sanford needs to go crawl into a very dark hole where no one can see him or hear him and rehabilitate himself.” Erickson said in an email, ” In two years, when the country remains in the gutter, he’ll be able to rehabilitate himself.” Erickson was less worried, though, about potential blowback from Sanford’s scandal onto his supporters, because “the left will ignore his actual record and portray him as some sort of stalwart for Christianity and social values.”

Maybe the campaign theme in 2012 could be: King David was a man after God’s own heart and even he was an adulterer and it didn’t effect his reign. I’m sure the electorate is so illiterate they wouldn’t know the rest of the story. Maybe by then the electorate will have had their fill of Obama’s perfection.
Updated yet again: The link to Google Images is not showing what I saw when I wrote this post. Before the search engine prioritized “Mark Stanford” and now it’s prioritizing “Mistress.”
Updated one last time (maybe): The googling public is now more informed, “”maria belen shapur photo” is the number search phrase according to Google trends.
Updated to fix the stupid title! I’m blaming the misspelling of Sandford’s name on chemo. It can be the scapegoat for a couple more weeks then I’ll have to go back to old age.

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