Here’s a shout out to my mom who turns 70 today (sorry, mom but it’s true). Have a fun day looking at your pictures on your new HP digital picture frame and make dad get you Chinese food or a sub for lunch!
BTW, speaking of my mom’s present, my husband and I went to Best Buy and Target on Saturday looking for a digital picture frame with a set price to spend (my sister refused to pay more) and I knew that my mom wouldn’t have been happy with anything smaller than 8 inches since she complained that she couldn’t see my pictures in my digital picture frame (mine is 8 inches) and this proved to be a pretty difficult task.

Target’s prices were too high, so we walked over to the Best Buy and found a picture frame for the amount that my sister was willing to spend. It was 8 inches and had a pretty nice picture quality. We saved thirty bucks since it was the display model but it was in really good condition.
I spent hours putting pictures on an SD card (it’s much easier to put the pictures on the card than the frame, I don’t have to worry about installing software and not having enough room on the frame for the pictures, plus I don’t have to worry about viruses). I went through years of pictures using Picasa, I edited out the red eye from all the pictures and made sure she had plenty of pictures of her mom, her granddaughters, my sister and even the occasional picture of me and her sons-in-law. I loaded up that SD card with years of memories that I know she’d enjoy and cherish. And then I took the card that I labored on for hours, put it in the frame and was told that I couldn’t use the card reader until I activated their member service plan. It turns out that you have to pay $7 a month just to view pictures on the frame. The frame is useless without that $7 a month fee! I couldn’t believe it! I’d never heard of anything so stupid in my life, who the heck would agree to that deal?
And of course I find this out at 10:30 the night before we have to meet them for lunch. So, we box up the frame and return it the next day on the way to the restaurant. We were already running late because I can’t make it out of the church without talking to people about what’s going on with the cancer and having to return the frame and pick out a new one just made us much later (and Sunday after church is a very busy time for the local restaurants who won’t seat you until the whole party has arrived and won’t hold your table which just ticks my mom off). But I knew they had the HP which was my second choice, it was a little more expensive but I decided to pay the $20 extra instead of downgrading to the 7 inch. And I’m glad I did because she loved it. It’s a pretty nice frame despite the Amazon reviews.
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