Barak Obama! He’s our hero! He’s also going to save the United States of America and lead us out of poverty:Um…Obama better get started on lowering expectations fast because a lot is expected of him. No politicians can stand up under the burden of so many hopes and dreams. He isn’t going to be able to fulfill them because he can’t, no one can. How the heck is Obama going to end poverty? No one has been able to accomplish that in the history of the world and since he’s policies are going to lead to more poverty, it’s hard to see how he’ll end it. And how is he going to save the world? Aren’t you lefties against that kind of arrogance? That we think we have the ability to solve the problems of the world?If he hadn’t played up this whole political savior shtick, promising a fundamental change to America, I might actually feel sorry for him because when his followers realize that the change he brought was more lay offs, a weakened economy, higher prices and higher taxes, they aren’t going to be so thrilled with their messiah.

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