So, Obama is putting a boarder state governor in charge of homeland security (at least that’s the rumor), Does that mean he might be looking to do a better job than Bush protecting our boarders or is he just paying back a supporter?

President-elect Barack Obama’s top choice for secretary of homeland security is Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, multiple Democratic sources close to the transition told CNN on condition of anonymity.

BTW, I know there are many in Arizona who will be happy to get rid of her.
And then there’s this complaint about his staff picks:

Meanwhile, critics questioned whether Obama’s top staff picks so far represent the “change” that he promised during the campaign.
More than half of the people named so far to Obama’s transition or staff posts have ties to former President Bill Clinton’s administration.

No one actually believed that whole hope and change thing did they? I think we all should be pretty happy he’s bringing in Clinton’s people, they have experience in running an administration. (If he wants experienced staff, he has to tap Clinton’s people, who is going to get? Carter’s staff members? Be thankful he didn’t tap them) Why would a newbie president want to surround himself with newbie cabinet members? That wouldn’t be very wise. And from his standpoint it’s a brilliant move because it takes Hillary out of the running for 2012. Sorry, PUMAs but you can kiss 2012 goodbye.

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