I’m sure this will be the typical MSM reaction to the debate:

At other times, though, the gulf between Palin and Biden was so wide she didn’t seem to belong on the same stage. His easy command of the issues far exceeds his rival, and voters got a reminder of that tonight. When he ticked off the ways that John McCain was not a maverick, discussing spending, health care and education, Palin’s generalities looked all the worse.

I’m sorry but his “easy command of the issues” was made easier by the fact that he lied (frequently). If you have to lie about the facts, then the facts are pretty worthless and you knowledge is just fantasy.And then there’s this:

Palin made some flubs. Talking about America’s financial crisis, she said, “It’s a toxic mess, really, on Main Street that’s affecting Wall Street.” Isn’t it the other way around?

No, she actually got this one right but she left out the most important part: the federal governments part in all this corruption. People on main street were buying houses they couldn’t afford and taking out loans that they couldn’t afford to repay and banks were forced to loan them the money by the federal government, these bad loans were repackaged and sold to other banks and the mess spread to Wall Street. I guess she wasn’t clear enough for him during the personal responsibility part of her comment.Here’s one of Biden’s big whoppers of the evening refuted:

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